Introduction, Formation of Islamic Society


  • Dr. Sana Ayesha Khan Lecturer, Arabic Department NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Fouzia Jabeen Lecturer Arabic, Govt Associate Degree Dollege Dhoke Syedan, Rawalpindi


Islam, Islamic Society, Humman Intellect, Formation


Human life cannot be imagined without a society. Every human being in a society has interests and affairs with other people. If a person has the right to live a free life while living in a society, then he has to give the same rights to others, which are his duties in reciprocity. It is very important to set rules, regulations, and boundaries for the sake of peace and stability of the society. Just as a human being needs a society, so a society needs the law as well. The question arises, whether the law made by the people living in this material world is sufficient to meet the human requirements for which man has created. While living in the material world, human intellect can understand only the material needs of human beings, not supernatural and spiritual needs. That is why we need a revealed religion that is Islam and Islamic society. This article will briefly review the introduction and structural elements of Islamic society, to make it easier to understand the true meanings of the Islamic society which distinguishes it from other societies. Islamic society is an ideal society in which all person’s rights and duties are protected and other necessities of life are made convenient and easy. Islam is a peaceful system of society and a complete code of life.




How to Cite

Dr. Sana Ayesha Khan, and Dr. Fouzia Jabeen. 2023. “Introduction, Formation of Islamic Society”. Al-Asr International Research Journal of Islamic Studies 3 (2):76-93.