The practical accounts and theoretical observations of the companions of the Messenger of God
صحابہ کرامؓ کے تعلق بالرسالت کے عملی احوال اور نظری مشاہدات
Companions, Messengers, God, Theoretical ObeservationAbstract
Now we see the relation of the Companions with the mission. When the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not come out of his holy room for three days continuously during his illness, those eyes that could not remain without seeing their master every day, whose daily duty was to see them. Dear friend, they were left with longing and were eagerly waiting for when Madani would be blessed with the sight and visit of the beloved. The Companions used to have these emotions and feelings for visiting and seeing the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that is why his face had not been visited for many days. That face was like the bright sun of an open Qur'an. The faces of the Companions turned away from the Qibla and the Kaaba in the same state of prayer and turned towards Mustafa (peace be upon him), but it was a wonderful sight. Let us learn a lesson of our religion and our faith from the lives of the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Therefore, no one has a better lesson than him and there is no better example of a relationship with the mission than him. These practical accounts of the Companions of the Prophet (may peace be upon him) and these theoretical observations which we have known through SahihBukhari and Sahih Muslim and the authentic books of Hadith. All these facts and observations are the explanation of this verse of the Holy Qur'an.